Monday, September 17, 2012

EO | Meet Alan Miltz

Dear EO’er,

Please join your fellow EO Members for an exclusive and much coveted Learning Session by Alan Miltz on 4th October 2012 at the Dilkhusha Hall, Pearl Continental Hotel, Karachi.

Alan Miltz has changed the way in which banks and business review financial performance. His analysis techniques are used in over 22 countries by the leading banks, business and accounting firms

Alan Miltz will share 20 years research in a dynamic presentation that will change the way you look at your company and interact with your bank. Find more details in attached flyer.

You may also register one senior management employee or CFO of your company at this event.

Details of the event:
Date: Thursday 4th October 2012
Networking and Lunch: 1:00PM – 2:00PM
Presentation by Alan Miltz: 02.00 pm onwards

Registration will close on 25th September 2012 

Click here to Register Now

Best regards,
Ali Ahmad
Co-Learning Chair
Entrepreneurs' Organization
Karachi Chapter